‘When My Heart Felt Volcanic’ by The Aces

‘When My Heart Felt Volcanic’ by The Aces

One of our favorite bands to listen to here in the office is The Aces. We’re such huge fans that it never occurred to us to review them, what with us believing that everyone knows about them already. It just so happens that I’ve been mindlessly singing their songs everywhere and people kept asking me what I was singing. I was like “wow am I singing so bad that no one recognizes these songs?” After talking to a few friends (and brave strangers) I realized maybe not everyone know about The Aces.

If you’re one of those people then stop what you’re doing and have a listen. Some of my favorite songs are ‘Volcanic Love’, ‘Stuck’, ‘Fake Nice’ and ‘Stay’. It’s upbeat pop rock with dance-able beats, fun melodies, and catchy hooks. It’s sweet, it’s fun, it’s heartbreak, it’s love, what else is there to say.

One of the reasons our reviews are usually short is because we believe in the music we review and you should spend more time listening to the music and not reading reviews about music. It takes far less time to listen to a song than it does to read a review about a song and then listen to it, so with that being said… GO LISTEN AND ENJOY!  Links below.


'When My Heart Felt Volcanic' by The Aces'When My Heart Felt Volcanic' by The Aces'When My Heart Felt Volcanic' by The Aces'When My Heart Felt Volcanic' by The Aces'When My Heart Felt Volcanic' by The Aces'When My Heart Felt Volcanic' by The Aces


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