Fallen Cathedrals by Ashen Horde
The third full length album, Fallen Cathedrals, by the duo known as Ashen Horde contains nine tracks that cannot be held down by the prefixes of Death or Black metal. The band pulls in from many different genre’s to create their own wonderful blend of metal. There are dark and melodic riffs, blasts beats that’ll get you fired up, complex time signatures and clean melodic vocals just to name a few. Founding member Trevor Portz states:
The forthcoming album, Fallen Cathedrals, is the perfect illustration of what Ashen Horde is all about. Musically, it draws influence from across the metal spectrum. There is hyper speed, blast-beat-fueled black metal that runs alongside pummeling death metal riffs; clean-sung melodic passages juxtaposed against face-melting screams, and headbanging beats intermixed with progressive odd-time signatures.
As a result, you get one fine album worth every cent! So you should drop down below and watch the lyric video for ‘Profound Darkness‘. As always, if you like what you hear then let’s keep good music coming by supporting these artists. Remember to follow the artist and spread the word! Artists Links below.
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