Everyday Affair by Slow Dress

Everyday Affair by Slow Dress

Slow Dress recently released their new single, ‘Everyday Affair‘, a song about how society trains everyone to be the same. ‘Everyday Affair‘ is the type of song that’s going to make you think, with compelling lyrics that are blunt yet sang with gentle compassion. Add to it a classic groove and guitar riffs and you have yourself a song with mass appeal. Here’s what lead singer/co-songwriter Katie Solomon had to say about ‘Everyday Affair‘:

In this song, I’m expressing my frustration about our capitalist society that seems to encourage everyone to become the same, to think in a similar way, and to follow a pre-selected path. So many people are struggling financially and emotionally under a system that oppresses all of us. We have to do more than just vote and expect others to make real changes for us when they’ve proven they won’t.

The advancment towards a mindless society has certainly been evolving over decades. You can certainly find a fair share of videos online where politicians brazenly say thats what society should be. ‘Everyday Affair‘ is food for thought wrapped in an easily digestible soundscape that’s easy to fall in love with. You can listen to ‘Everyday Affair‘ down below. Afterwards make sure you hit up your favorite music service so you can discover more music by these artists! As always, if you like what you hear then let’s keep good music coming by supporting these artists. Remember to follow the artist and spread the word! Artists Links below.

Everyday Affair by Slow DressEveryday Affair by Slow DressEveryday Affair by Slow DressEveryday Affair by Slow DressEveryday Affair by Slow Dress

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