To Be Seen And Heard by Miss Olithea
To Be Seen And Heard by Miss Olithea is a very powerful album. While everyone is in love with Childish Gambino’s This Is America and Donald Glover’s Bamboozled styled video for it (it’s a movie look it up) there are artist out there that are delving deep and explaining the realities that reach below the surface and humanize instead of characterize the issues. Enter Miss Olithea.
If you haven’t heard of or been listening to Miss Olithea then what are you really about? Miss Olithea has that way of displaying her gift that is powerful like Erykah Badu and lauryn hill and just as beautiful. This album is very powerful and extremely sincere and will take you by your heart and delve into the depths of your soul connecting you to a knowledge that you’ll either identify with or help you understand someone you know better. Links to all things Miss Olithea below.