The Defender by Mica Millar
The Defender by Mica Millar is quite the powerful song that goes along with the digital campaign that release in April. #Thedefendercampaign was created by the talented Millar to explore the nature of human empathy. So far, Mica Millar has released a couple of short documentaries. Each one, clocking in about about 4 minutes each, tell the stories of two different women. One who is in need of empathy in her situation and the another who shows empathy by intervening. Well, simplistically speaking anyway. It really is the type of thing you’ll need to see. Words can’t fully express the depth of this project. Please watch the two stories below followed by the song. Check out Mica Millar’s music catalog while you’re at it because this is one artist you are going to want to get familiar with. Links to all things Mica Millar after the videos.