Red Ghost by Miles Maxwell

Red Ghost by Miles Maxwell

Red Ghost is the Americana Pop debut album by Miles Maxwell and it’s fun, upbeat a little edgy, and introspective. This is the human experience we can all relate to. In the nine tracks on the album we get a real feel for all the trials and tribulations life has to offer. Sometimes it’s fun and sarcastic other times it’s straight forward and heartfelt. The guys are veterans of the Chicago Music Scene and it’s really noticeable by the skillful instrumentation and songwriting they display on Red Ghost. Have a listen to ‘She Says (Whiskey Down at 4 am)‘ below. As always, if you like what you hear then let’s keep good music coming by supporting artists. Remember to follow the band and spread the word!

Red Ghost by Miles MaxwellRed Ghost by Miles MaxwellRed Ghost by Miles MaxwellRed Ghost by Miles MaxwellRed Ghost by Miles MaxwellRed Ghost by Miles Maxwell




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