Hyperreal by Trafton
Hyperreal just released and it’s another bop by Trafton . The story behind the song is so intriguing that instead of telling you about insanely good Hyperreal is, here is Trafton’s elaboration of how the song came to be.
“I cowrote and coproduced Hyperreal with my friend Luke, who lives in New York. We got dinner and then went to his apartment where we just talked for a while and messed around with some music until we landed on the thought that grew to be Hyperreal. It’s the idea of building someone up inside your head to be much more than they truly are. It’s letting yourself believe in an idealized image or romanticization of that person, maybe who you hoped they were or who they may have seemed to be at one time. And, as the hook of the song almost brutally comes to, it’s the realization of the truth. Luke and I both connected to this type of experience, and as we were writing, he helped me to shape the song around the nuances of my own version of this story. I grew up writing really personal music and I feel like this song is moving back in that direction after putting out a couple that weren’t as emotionally meaningful for me. It’s scarier putting out music that’s closer to me, but more rewarding too.Since the subject matter and emotional palate of Hyperreal are both pretty multidimensional, I really wanted to match that in its production. Luke is insanely creative and innovative, so while throughout the process I provided direction towards how I envisioned the final sound, the song’s complex and cool (and dare I say unique?) production is in large part thanks to the hours and hours of work by Luke. It’s big and dramatic and dark and sad. It has the dopest drums, which along with a lot of synth textural layering, offer this grungey, almost industrial vibe, which is something I haven’t heard a lot of in the pop music that’s coming out right now. It’s just totally a sound that I would be excited to hear if someone else put it out, so it’s cool that I get to.”
Have a listen to Hyperreal below. As always, if you like what you hear then let’s keep good music coming by supporting these artists. Remember to follow the artist and spread the word!
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