Battlefield by Intoxicated Rage
Battlefield is the second single off the upcoming album ‘Apocalypse‘ by the Boston band Intoxicated Rage. While Battlefield is more toned down in sound than their first single, (‘Political Warfare‘), it is in no way devoid of that crunchy, heavy metal, goodness we are used to hearing from the band. If you are familiar with their sound then you know you can expect a blazing fast, hard and heavy hitting sound. However, with Battlefield they have slowed things down just a smidge allowing the listener to hear a whole other side to their sound.
You can tell that Intoxicated Rage have studied every aspect of the greats. As a result, we can hear those influences and they are very pronounced. I am very intrigued by what the band has put out thus far and am looking forward to the new ‘Apocalypse’ album. This band is very promising indeed. Have a listen to the single Battlefield below! As always, if you like what you hear then let’s keep good music coming by supporting these artists. Remember to follow the artist and spread the word! Artists Links below.
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