Trash Talk by Lazybones

Trash Talk by Lazybones

Trash Talk‘ by Lazybones is a burst of non-stop energy that is going to bust down some doors, say what needs to be said, and walk out feeling triumphant! The head rush alone is going to have you jumping up and down when that first second hits. It’s coming straight for you and there’s no escaping! Here’s what vocalist Candi Underwood explains that ‘Trash Talk‘ is about:

That moment when you know you’re about to say something you’ll regret, when you’re right on the edge and you just can’t stop it.

You can feel that tension throughout the song. Something is coming and you’re not quite sure what it is but you brace for impact because you know it’s going to hit hard. Well, ‘Trash Talk‘ definitely hits hard and takes no prisoners. The song just bleeds of a certain plucky swagger. Lazybones held nothing back with this one which makes it so unbelievably good. You can listen to ‘Trash Talk‘ by dropping down below but we warn you, prepare for impact!  As always, if you like what you hear then let’s keep good music coming by supporting these artists. Remember to follow the artist and spread the word! Artists Links below.

Check ’em out on tour!

24.10.19   Nottingham – Albert’s

25.10.19   London – The Waiting Rooms

27.10.19   Liverpool – Jacaranda

01.11.19   Cardiff – The Moon

02.11.19   Birmingham – The Flapper

03.11.19   Milton Keynes – Craufurd Arms

21.11.19   Brighton – Latest Music Bar

Trash Talk by LazybonesTrash Talk by LazybonesTrash Talk by LazybonesTrash Talk by LazybonesTrash Talk by LazybonesTrash Talk by Lazybones





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