Honest by Cole Redding

Honest by Cole Redding

Cole Redding released the single ‘Honest‘ this summer and it’s an upbeat bop about putting it all on the line and being vulnerable with your emotions, when asking your person to come back. Being that honest can be difficult for a lot of people. However, this song does a wonderful job capturing that moment of vulnerability. While the lyrics are a bit heartbreaking with the whole end of the “high school sweethearts” storyline, it’s oddly uplifting due to the production. Which, ‘if I’m being honest”, is a great thing. Not every stage of heartbreak is devastating if you’re willing to move through the stages.


Again, in three short minutes, the song has manage to capture that moment of vulnerability perfectly. If I were you I’d add ‘Honest‘ to my playlist and then keep my eye on this particular artist. because there’s massive amounts of potential for this artist to become a big name. You can listen to ‘Honest‘ down below and don’t forget to follow Cole on social media to stay up to date on when the video will be out, which is soon! As always, if you like what you hear then let’s keep good music coming by supporting these artists. Remember to follow the artist and spread the word! Artists Links below.

Honest by Cole ReddingHonest by Cole ReddingHonest by Cole ReddingHonest by Cole ReddingHonest by Cole ReddingHonest by Cole Redding





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