Expired by Sätilä
Today Sätilä dropped a new single called, ‘Expired‘. I’m happy to say we’ve got another bop to fall in love with! ‘Expired‘ shows off a bit of a different sound from the previous singles and therefore showing us more of his range as a songwriter. Yet, at its heart is the signature sound that we’ve come to know from this talented artist. Here’s a bit of info about ‘Expired‘ from the press release:
It’s the first love, last love kind of situation where after a relationship has ended long ago you search for remains of love, only to realise that your heart for that person has expired.
The song was written over the Internet with an Australian songwriter friend Paul Ooi. ‘Expired’ is the first track he produced himself. “I felt like I needed to figure this one out myself so as I was finishing a bigger chunk of music in London last year, this was one I was working on. A friend engineered and recorded some of it and also mixed it but the vision is solely mine”, describes the artist and continues: “I also had my drummer and guitarist come in the studio to contribute. The guitarist, Miko Tekoniemi, brought some brilliant riffs and sounds that lifted to track.”
‘Expired‘ certainly has some brilliant riffs! Overall, the song is catchy and easy to listen to again and again. You can listen to ‘Expired‘ down below. Afterwards make sure you hit up your favorite music service so you can discover more music by these artists! As always, if you like what you hear then let’s keep good music coming by supporting these artists. Remember to follow the artist and spread the word! Artists Links below.