Give Me Shelter by Olivia Void and Dominique Fricot
Olivia Void and Dominique Fricot recently released the single, ‘Give Me Shelter‘. The single is inspired by Covid-19 lockdowns and being temporarily without shelter. When you take that into consideration the lyrics are that much more profound and resonate much deeper. ‘Give Me Shelter‘ has a melancholy atmosphere with droning synths which have moments of tension that release in heavily layered bursts. Both Void and Fricot‘s vocals performances convey the lonely and helplessness of the pensive lyrics. While separately, their vocals give off a sense of isolation, however, when their vocals meet the listener is bathed in the heaviness of the situation. Not only is ‘Give Me Shelter‘ a hauntingly beautiful song it’s also quite the sonic experience! Here’s what Olivia Void had to say about ‘Give Me Shelter‘:
“It was a time when I didn’t want to stay at home but being with others suddenly became a hazard. In this exceptional situation I was lucky to have a lot of support but it made me think of all those who don’t get help when they need it.”
Indeed, the current state of the world has made things that much harder for anyone in need of help. ‘Give Me Shelter‘ gives voice to the issue in a very unique way. You can watch the music video for ‘Give Me Shelter‘ down below. Afterwards make sure you hit up your favorite music service so you can discover more music by these artists! As always, if you like what you hear then let’s keep good music coming by supporting these artists. Remember to follow the artist and spread the word! Artists Links below.