Night Games by Al Church

Night Games by Al Church

Night Games by Al Church released earlier this year. Night Games is one of those albums that’s so chalked full of great songwriting, that it makes it difficult to pick a favorite song. It has a bit of a retro feel, maybe something from the late 70’s or early 80’s. You’ll notice that soundscape is reinforced by the Night Games video. As you can see, the video not only has an 80’s theme but it almost feels like a video made in the 80’s. While the album may have a retro vibe going on, the songwriting is modern and relevant to today. Give it a listen, the links are below and don’t forget to follow Church and spread the word!

Night Games by Al ChurchNight Games by Al ChurchNight Games by Al ChurchNight Games by Al ChurchNight Games by Al ChurchNight Games by Al Church




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