The Stratosphere Beneath Our Feet by Atlas : Empire
Following the success of three EPs Atlas : Empire returned with their debut full length Prog Rock album The Stratosphere Beneath Our Feet which was released back in December. The album as a whole plays out like a novel about our dependence on technology and as such keeps you intrigued throughout all ten tracks. Or in the words of bassist Robert Hasebe:
‘The Stratosphere Beneath Our Feet’ is a concept album that explores what would happen to humanity if we became entirely reliant on technology/automation in every aspect of our lives – and more importantly, what happens when that system fails? Across its 10 tracks, we delve into different aspects of that very-possible future, with each song takes place before, during or after a mass technological collapse, from the perspective of a different ‘character’.
It’s something we all fear! A dystopian future that few of us would know how to navigate or live in would certainly bring society to its knees. Even though it wasn’t too long ago that we were more self-reliant, we have all adapted and become dependent on technology. The way the band has gone about playing this out is ingenious! You can watch the video for ‘It’s All In The Reflexes‘ below. As always, if you like what you hear then let’s keep good music coming by supporting these artists. Remember to follow the artist and spread the word! Artists Links below.
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