Black Love by Deslynn Malotana
Black Love by Deslynn Malotana Is a song that at its heart and soul is about self acceptance. Malotana sings about growing up and how a person is seen as less attractive or less qualified solely based on ones physical attributes. It’s how societies see you as being less of a person simply because of your hair texture or the color of your skin instead of the nature of your character. Yet despite it all, you can grow to love yourself for who you are and what you look like. Black love is a song that I can relate to personally. I believe everyone can relate to Black Love because we all have issues with accepting ourselves because of the standards of beauty set by the societies we live in.
At the end of the day the song is about loving who you are and finding the beauty both within you and the beauty of your physical appearance and that in and of itself is an absolutely beautiful message we should all learn. On top of that, we should all learn to see beauty in all human beings regardless of race and stop letting a handful of casting directors, designers and influencers tell us what is and what isn’t beautiful. As the saying goes “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. You can listen to Black Love below. As always, if you like what you hear then let’s keep good music coming by supporting these artists. Remember to follow the artist and spread the word! Artists Links below.
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