Messy by Chloé Caroline

Messy by Chloé Caroline

Messy by Chloé Caroline is a song that reminds us all that just because you see other people post about their seemingly perfect lives, the truth is life is messy for everyone. However, often you find that those messy moments end up being what makes life perfect! Here is what Chloé had to say about ‘Messy‘:

All of our lives are messy in their own ways–the ups and downs of life are what mold our stories. But it’s easy in a world with so much noise (cough: social media) to get bogged down with comparison and expectations. This song is meant to unify people through our messiness and celebrate the strength it takes to keep moving forward despite the struggles.

So true! Comparing does nothing but bring you down. When you can find the joy in the now, in these so called messy moments, that’s when you can find true happiness. What a lovely message to bring to the forefront in this day and age. Not to mention the song is a super catchy bop! You can watch the fun video for ‘Messy‘  below. As always, if you like what you hear then let’s keep good music coming by supporting these artists. Remember to follow the artist and spread the word! Artists Links below.

Messy by Chloé CarolineMessy by Chloé CarolineMessy by Chloé CarolineMessy by Chloé CarolineMessy by Chloé CarolineMessy by Chloé Caroline




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