Nomad by Glorybots

Nomad by Glorybots

Nomad’ is the latest single to come out from the self proclaimed dark alien pop band, Glorybots. The song deals with the moral issues society has in terms of immigration. As the title might suggest having to flee substandard living conditions with nowhere to go can be an endless journey. When you have no home, can’t go back to where home was and aren’t allowed to settle down elsewhere, what is left?

‘Nomad’s dark melody brings in those lost, sad and lonely emotions while the lyrics detail the fear and what it’s like to have to leave your life behind. The atmospheric elements enhance the journey’s sense of being lost and alone, as it feels very isolated. With all the various elements coming together so perfectly, you can really tell how much thought and passion went into the creation of this song. You can drop down below to listen to Nomad’.  As always, if you like what you hear then let’s keep good music coming by supporting these artists. Remember to follow the artist and spread the word! Artists Links below.

Nomad by GlorybotsNomad by GlorybotsNomad by GlorybotsNomad by GlorybotsNomad by GlorybotsNomad by Glorybots




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