Little Secret by ÊMIA

Little Secret by ÊMIA

A few months ago singer songwriter ÊMIA dropped a debut pop EP titled, ‘Little Secret‘, which consists of six songs that are nothing but bops. The songs contain a wide range of themes including self esteem, love, growth, as well as others. Given the story tropes we hear in these songs, it does seem like it is a very personal EP. When artists put a piece of themselves on display like this it can be hard, however, I believe ultimately it’s a wonderful thing. Not only does it make us feel connected to the artist but it helps us to not feel alone and misunderstood.

When you can write a song that can connect to another person like that, not only is it so much more meaningful but it’s true talent, which ÊMIA has in spades.There are so many talented artists in the world and ÊMIA is definitely one of those amazing artists. Alright enough talk, Drop down below and watch the intriguing video for the single ‘If You Can’t Take The Rain‘.  As always, if you like what you hear then let’s keep good music coming by supporting these artists. Remember to follow the artist and spread the word! Artists Links below.


Shout out to Music PR Valerie Seigne Who posted about this artist on twitter. She has an amazing spotify playlist and excellent taste in music, you should go follow!

Instagram – @Chichoune60

Twitter – @Chichoune

Little Secret by ÊMIALittle Secret by ÊMIALittle Secret by ÊMIALittle Secret by ÊMIALittle Secret by ÊMIALittle Secret by ÊMIA




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