Conversations With My Bedroom Ceiling by Ed Monro
I recently came across the six track album, ‘Conversations With My Bedroom Ceiling‘, by Ed Monro and it’s the type of album that has a timeless R&B and Soul vibe to it. The album is slow paced so it sets the mood just right for the songs to flow from one to the next. We start with the song, ‘How Are You Gonna Hurt Me‘, which is about having been hurt and always feeling like love is beyond your reach. Well, that is until you find that special someone. Monro is able to portray those emotions with such vulnerability. As the listener you are really drawn in and feel the weight of emotions. I was impressed from the start.
Next is, ‘Sweet Beautiful Maybe, all of the fears in the first song come true here, as this song is about being good enough for right now but not for the long haul. It’s a sweet, beautiful, heartbreaking song. I’m not going to lie, it’ll have you in your feels! However, it’s a song we can all relate to.
The third song, ‘Weed It Out‘ is about being fed up and putting your foot down. After having hope that this might last in the 1st song, then feeling used and not good enough in the second song, we’ve reached the point where it’s time to stand up for yourself. Despite the lyrics the song has an upbeat feel, like how taking back your power feels good. Yeah, that’s the vibe you get from ‘Weed It Out‘. After that is a sweet thank you song called ‘Thanks, Kathrina Liz‘ which is followed up by an interlude.
Which brings us to the last song on the album, ‘Too Much‘. Which I think is the perfect way to end this saga. All the thoughts in your mind at the end of a relationship is the journey ‘Too Much‘ takes you on. I’m sure these songs are very personal, however Monro has a way of connecting to the audience through song. I’m here for it! I recommend you go listen to ‘Conversations With My Bedroom Ceiling‘ immediately. You can listen to the song ‘Sweet Beautiful Maybe‘ down below. As always, if you like what you hear then let’s keep good music coming by supporting these artists. Remember to follow the artist and spread the word! Artists Links below.