In Spite Of All My Worry by Luke Rainsford

In Spite Of All My Worry by Luke Rainsford

I just came across the two song EP ‘In Spite Of All My Worry‘ by Luke Rainsford and immediately I was captivated by these two Emo / Pop Punk songs. The EP consists of the titled track ‘In Spite Of All My Worry‘ and ‘Frame‘. Both of which are filled with pain and regret. Trust me when I say you are going to feel every second of that. The impassioned vocals burst into the heavy flames of lost love which rise above the backdrop of the acoustic guitar. You can tell just how personal these songs truly are as Luke bears his soul and lays it all out on the table, battered, bruised and broken.

In, ‘In Spite Of All My Worry‘, you have a light verses dark theme. On one hand there is the one that is pure and good, on the other hand, one who is broken and full of flaws and insecurities. ‘In Spite Of All My Worry‘ also takes on a reflective nature in terms of the lyrics. The second song, ‘Frame‘, is a bit heavier as the song leans more into mental anguish, however, that light of hope still shines just as brightly in ‘Frame‘ as it does in ‘In Spite Of All My Worry‘. Let me warn you, the raw emotions of these two songs are pure and will put you in your feels.

Nonetheless, you should go listen to both songs because they are so good! You can listen to the song ‘In Spite Of All My Worry‘ down below. As always, if you like what you hear then let’s keep good music coming by supporting these artists. Remember to follow the artist and spread the word! Artists Links below.

 In Spite Of All My Worry by Luke Rainsford In Spite Of All My Worry by Luke Rainsford In Spite Of All My Worry by Luke Rainsford In Spite Of All My Worry by Luke Rainsford In Spite Of All My Worry by Luke Rainsford




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