It’s Not a Prison It’s a Prism by Neverman

It’s Not a Prison It’s a Prism by Neverman

Neverman have released their new four track EP, ‘It’s Not a Prison It’s a Prism‘, and it’s all you hoped it would be. The band’s signature flare permeates every second of the EP which gives the listener a unique and authentic experience which captivates the soul. The vocals are gripping while the instrumentals provide the perfect balance of edge and drama to match the vocals. Here’s what the band had to say about ‘It’s Not a Prison It’s a Prism‘:

Ever had to hide something from someone, having your mind screw with itself, by turns feeling like you have a grip on it, then swinging into the depths of paranoia, then back again like a pendulum? That’s what Picasso Dream is about.

They also had this to say about their latest single ‘Picasso Dream‘:

It’s about changing your perspective to gain drive and hope rather than suffer in sorrow – when you feel like you are imprisoned in life or whatever situation then just changing that prison into a prism means seeing many different paths out of the problem.

This band really puts a lot of thought into their music and it shows. ‘It’s Not a Prison It’s a Prism‘ is an EP that you should really consider listening to. So drop down below and have a listen to ‘Picasso Dream‘. Afterwards make sure you hit up your favorite music service so you can discover more music by these artists! As always, if you like what you hear then let’s keep good music coming by supporting these artists. Remember to follow the artist and spread the word! Artists Links below.

It's Not a Prison It's a Prism by NevermanIt's Not a Prison It's a Prism by NevermanIt's Not a Prison It's a Prism by NevermanIt's Not a Prison It's a Prism by NevermanIt's Not a Prison It's a Prism by NevermanIt's Not a Prison It's a Prism by Neverman






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