Same Mistakes by Hoger

Same Mistakes by Hoger

Hoger recently released the single, ‘Same Mistakes‘, which is about finding yourself repeating the same cycles with a person or a trype of person. ‘Same Mistakes‘ has an ebb and flow that cycles through a gentler sound then grows into an explosion of sound before ultimately ending back in that softer tone. Sonically, it’s the perfect representation of the lyrics. Hoger’s passionate vocals are reflective as they bounce around the melody. Allowing for space to show off the vocal prowess by showcasing runs, staccato and falsetto which adds to the depth of the song. Here’s what Hoger had to say about ‘Same Mistakes‘:

You tell yourself that you will never ever go down that route once more, because you don’t ever want to feel like that again. However, life doesn’t work in a stable and logical way that would make sense and you somehow fall for the same person again OR for someone similar. For some weird reason you love this person and that’s the beauty in the pain; you love and accept the way it breaks you up in pieces.

That’s a pretty deep realization. It’s true, many find themselves trying to understand this very notion,  yet, going down that path time and time again. ‘Same Mistakes‘ is a song that a lot of you are going to connect with on a deep level. You can listen to ‘Same Mistakes‘ down below. Afterwards make sure you hit up your favorite music service so you can discover more music by these artists! As always, if you like what you hear then let’s keep good music coming by supporting these artists. Remember to follow the artist and spread the word! Artists Links below.

Same Mistakes by HogerSame Mistakes by HogerSame Mistakes by HogerSame Mistakes by HogerSame Mistakes by Hoger

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