Butterflies by Hidden Lapse

Butterflies by Hidden Lapse

Hidden Lapse just released their new ten track Power Prog Metal album titled Butterflies last week and the unique qualities the band has infused into the album may mean big things in the future for the band. As far as sophomore albums go, the band has evolved a bit from their 2017 album ‘Redemption‘. This a is more mature album where the writing has evolved in all aspects of creation. Here is what the band had to say about their sophomore album:

We are all ‘Butterflies’, our lives spring into each other, too fast. This album puts us behind the eyes of eight unique anti-heroes and victims of our time, who don’t belong here though. ‘Butterflies’ is all about being trapped in recursive routines and still remaining on the outside.

It’s an interesting theme and an interesting way to go about bringing these topics to the forefront. You can drop down below to listen to the second single ‘The Letter 0‘. As always, if you like what you hear then let’s keep good music coming by supporting these artists. Remember to follow the artist and spread the word! Artists Links below.

Butterflies by Hidden LapseButterflies by Hidden LapseButterflies by Hidden LapseButterflies by Hidden LapseButterflies by Hidden Lapse




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