Damage S.F.P. Self titled album out now!
Damage S.F.P. released their new self titled album on Friday which is out now! Okay, this is kind of an amazing story of how a band can throw together some demos in high school, disband, and then come back together in a completely different era and own it. If you think the album has a distinctive nineties feel to it you would be right. The backstory in short is that even though this album is their new debut album a lot of the songs were written in the nineties. That’s insane! Here’s what the band had to say about the album:
This album is our debut, but at the same time collection of our best songs. It is diverse, bringing in influences from both thrash and death metal, but not forgetting the beautiful melodies of heavy metal. At the far end of the album you can find a short track called ‘Grain Brain’, which is almost grindcore, then on the other end is ‘In Termination’, an epic song with Amorphis and Iron Maiden vibes.
Despite being an inspirational take on never giving up on your dreams the album is insanely good! I hope to hear more from them in the future, perhaps sooner rather than later, although it was well worth the wait! Have a listen to the song ‘Ruthless Fate‘ below. As always, if you like what you hear then let’s keep good music coming by supporting these artists. Remember to follow the artist and spread the word! Artists Links below.
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