Lately by Sam McIntire

Lately by Sam McIntire

Lately‘ is the latest indie alt rock single by singer songwriter, Sam McIntire. The song delves into the topic of the masks we wear and how we can end up losing who we really are underneath those masks. You get to that place where people think they know who you are and yet you don’t really know who you are or where you’re going in life. You are essentially lost.

McIntire shows off his vocal prowess as he seamlessly transitions from falsetto to a more gritty, hearty and guttural sound. His timing and phrasing are near perfect when it comes to adding or subtracting just enough emotional vulnerability to hit home the theme. Whether he’s screaming or whispering “Have you seen me lately?“, You get a different sense of urgency and tension. Add to it that cool jam band kind of groove and it give off this whole “I’m losing it” mood. You’ve got to check it out! Drop down below to watch the music video for ‘Lately‘. As always, if you like what you hear then let’s keep good music coming by supporting these artists. Remember to follow the artist and spread the word! Artists Links below.

Lately by Sam McIntireLately by Sam McIntireLately by Sam McIntireLately by Sam McIntireLately by Sam McIntire




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